17 April 2019
Shippers’ and Forwarders’ Associations Commit to Accelerating Logistics Emissions Footprinting and Reduction
European shippers and freight forwarders are committed to logistics emissions footprinting and reduction. ESC and CLECAT stand for a universal methodology to calculate emissions from logistics operations, provided by the GLEC Framework, and support upgrading it into an ISO standard. However, this should remain a voluntary initiative led by the industry.
17 April 2019
Shippers’ and Forwarders’ Associations Commit to Accelerating Logistics Emissions Footprinting and Reduction
European shippers and freight forwarders are committed to logistics emissions footprinting and reduction. ESC and CLECAT stand for a universal methodology to calculate emissions from logistics operations, provided by the GLEC Framework, and support upgrading it into an ISO standard. However, this should remain a voluntary initiative led by the industry.
19 February 2019
Stakeholders in the Maritime Logistic Supply Chain Call for a Repeal of the Consortia BER
CLECAT, ETA, EBA, EBU, ESO, IWT, ESC, FEPORT, UIRR and the GSF representing users of liner shipping services and service providers jointly conclude that the Commission should repeal the Consortia Block Exemption Regulation unless a revised regulatory framework clarifying the current BER is adopted.
16 January 2019
CLECAT Disappointed by Further Doubt About Brexit
CLECAT is disappointed with the outcome of the vote in the UK Parliament last night against the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement which leaves the industry in further doubt about Brexit.
11 January 2019
JOINT PRESS RELEASE - European Maritime Single Window Environment Regulation
CLECAT, ECSABA, ESC, EMPA, ESPO, FEPORT & IPCSA welcome focus on data harmonisation and existing reporting channels. However, we caution against the creation of an EU Level Access Point Interface.
09 January 2019
Fight the right battle: Stop illegal practices in road transport but not at the cost of efficiency, enforcement and growth
Industry urges the Members of the European Parliament's TRAN Committee to agree on a posting regime for international road transport that is more flexible than the Council’s General Approach of December 3, 2018, so that the EU’s objectives for better enforcement, a new boost for growth and CO2 efficiency in transport do not remain hollow words
04 December 2018
Industry Disappointed by the Council's General Approach on Posting
The representatives of shippers, freight forwarders and express carriers express their disappointment about the Council’s General Approach, as it in no way responds to the need for simple, uniform, clear and easily enforceable rules which would facilitate transport operations, protect the workers employed in this industry and ensure a fair competitive environment.
16 October 2018
CLECAT calls for a realistic approach on the Future Economic Partnership between the EU and UK
Today, CLECAT, the European Association of Logistics Service Providers, Freight Forwarders and Customs Brokers, issued its position paper on the future economic partnership between the EU and UK.
11 July 2018
CLECAT welcomes positive TRAN report on Combined Transport
The European Parliament’s Transport Committee adopted its report on the revision of the Combined Transport Directive on 10 July. CLECAT sees the adopted report as a largely positive document, based on a strong draft by rapporteur Daniela Aiuto MEP and pragmatic compromise amendments negotiated between the political groups.
04 July 2018
CLECAT Calls for New Efforts to Ensure Sensible, Balanced Legislation for Road Transport
CLECAT regrets that there was no majority for the TRAN compromise on the market and social issues which was the result of long and intense discussions in the TRAN Committee and with the sector.