APAT | Associacao Dos Transitarios De Portugal
Av. Duque de Avila 9-7
PT-1000-138 Lisboa
tel.: + 351-21-318 71 00
fax: + 351-21-318 71 09
e-mail: apatlis@apat.pt
web: www.apat.pt
CGAA | Consejo General de los Colegios de Agentes y Comisionistas de Aduanas
Doctor Fleming, 46, 1° Izq
E-28036 Madrid
tel.: +34 (91) 3430570
fax: +34 (91) 3454167
e-mail: cgaa@representantesaduaneros.com
web: www.representantesaduaneros.com
DSLV | Bundesverband Spedition und Logistik e.V.
Friedrichstraße 155-156 | Unter den Linden 24
D-10117 Berlin
tel.: +49 (0) 30 4050228-0
fax: +49 (0) 30 4050228-88
e-mail: info@dslv.spediteure.de
web: www.dslv.org
Danske Speditører | Danish Freight Forwarding Association
Børsen - 1217 København K
tel.: +45 337 467 74
e-mail: info@dasp.dk
web: www.dasp.dk
FEDESPEDI | Federazione Nazionale delle Imprese di Spedizioni Internazionali
Via Cornalia 19
I-20124 Milano
tel.: +39 (02) 671541
fax: +39 (02) 67072285
e-mail: fedespedi@fedespedi.it
web: www.fedespedi.it
FENEX | Nederlandse Organisatie voor Expeditie en Logistiek
Boris Pasternaklaan 22-30
2719 DA Zoetermeer
The Netherlands
P.O. Box 3008
2700 KS Zoetermeer
The Netherlands
tel.: +31 (88) 45 67 400
email: secretariaat@fenex.nl
web: www.fenex.nl
FETEIA - OLTRA | Federación Española de Transitarios, Expedidores Internacionales y Asimilados
Via Laietana, 32-34 4ª
08003 Barcelona
tel: +34 932 689 430
e-mail: feteia@feteia.org
web: www.feteia.org
FIFFLA | Finnish Freight Forwarding and Logistics Association
Eteläranta 10, 6. krs.
PL 62, 00131 Helsinki
tel.: +358 20 595 5000
fax: +358 20 595 5001
e-mail: office@huolintaliitto.fi
web: www.huolintaliitto.fi
FORWARD Belgium | Belgian Freight Forwarders' Association
Brouwersvliet 33/ B1
B-2000 Antwerpen
tel.: +32 (03) 233.67.86
fax: +32 (03) 231.82.02
e-mail: info@forwardbelgium.be
web: www.forwardbelgium.be
GZS | Združenje za promet
Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije - Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Sekcija spediterjev in skladiscnikov Slovenije - Slovene Freight Forwarding and Warehousing Section
Dimiceva 9
1504 Ljubljana
tel: +386 (1) 5898360
fax: +386 (1) 5898200
e-mail: igor.sep@gzs.si
web: www.gzs.si
HLLC | Hungarian Logistics Contact Committee p/a Association of Hungarian Forwarders
Szikrataviró, u. 17-21
H-1211 Budapest
tel: +36 30 608 9103
e-mail: fotitkar@szallitmanyozok.hu
web: www.freightforwarders.hu
HRVATSKI IZVOZNICI | Croatian Exporters
Fallerovo šetalište 22 (mali neboder, IV kat)
10000 Zagreb
tel: +385 1 49 23 796
fax: +385 1 49 23 797
email: info@hrvatski-izvoznici.hr
web: www.hrvatski-izvoznici.hr
IIFA | Irish International Freight Association
Office 407, Digital Office Centre Swords, Balheary Road
Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 E5A0
tel.: +353-1-845 54 11
fax: +353-1-845 55 34
e-mail: info@iifa.ie
web: www.iifa.ie
MCCEI | The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry
64, The Exchange Buildings, Republic Street
Valletta, TLT 1117
tel.: +356 2203 2000
e-mail: info@maltachamber.org.mt
web: www.maltachamber.org.mt
NHO LT | Norwegian Logistics and Freight Association
Middelthuns gate 27
Postboks 5489 Majortstuen
NO-0305 Oslo
Tel: +47-23 08 87 80
Fax: +47-22 60 29 40
email: are.kjensli@nholt.no
web: www.nholt.no
NSBS | Bulgarian National Forwarding Association
43, Shipchenski Prohod Blvd
Entr. B, Office B4
1111 Sofia
tel.: +359 (2) 9714822 / 9715025
fax: +359 (2) 9710118
e-mail: office@nsbs.bg
web: www.nsbs.bg
ODO | Ordem dos Despachantes Oficiais
Rua D. Luis I, 5 - 6°
P-1249-286 Lisboa
tel.: +351 (21) 393 13 20
fax: +351 (21) 393 13 29
e-mail: geral.lisboa@odo.pt
web: www.odo.pt
PIFFA | Polish Freight Forwarding Association
ul. Swietojanska 3/2
PL-81-368 Gdynia
tel.: +48 (58) 620.98.26
fax: +48 (58) 661.39.35
e-mail: pisil@pisil.pl
web: www.pisil.pl
ROUBROKER | Asociația Comisionarilor în Vamă și Reprezentanților din România
Incintă Port Agigea, Clădire Administrativa Mol 1S
tel.: +4 0745149249
email: office@roubroker.org
web: www.roubroker.org
SIFA | Transportindustriförbundet (Swedish International Freight Association)
Storgatan 19
Box 5384
S-102 49 Stockholm
tel.: +46 (8) 762 71 00
fax: +46 (8) 611 46 99
e-mail: info@transportindustriforbundet.se
web: www.transportindustriforbundet.se
SPEDLOGSWISS | Verband Schweizerischer Speditions- und Logistikunternehmen
Elisabethenstrasse 44
CH-4002 Basel
tel.: +41 (61) 205 98 00
fax: +41 (61) 205 98 01
e-mail: office@spedlogswiss.com
web: www.spedlogswiss.com
TLF | Fédération des Entreprises de Transport et de Logistique de France
TLF Immeuble "Cardinet"
8 rue Bernard Buffet
75017 Paris
tel.: +33 (1) 53 68 40 40
fax: +33 (1) 53 68 40 99
e-mail: tlf@e-tlf.com
web: www.e-tlf.com
USER | Uniunea Societăților de Expediții din Româniaa
Bd. Timisoara 92, sector 6
061334, Bucharest
tel.: +40 752 089 899
email: office@user.ro
web: www.user.ro
ZLZ SR | Association of Logistics and Freight Forwarding of the Slovak Republic
Racianska 66
SK-831 02 Bratislava
tel/fax: +421 (2) 5249 1764
e-mail: zlz@zlz.sk
web: www.zlz.sk
ZV | Zentralverband Spedition & Logistik
Nikolsdorfer Gasse 7-11/1
A-1051 Wien
tel/fax: +43 (1) 512 35 38/+43 (1) 513 14 15
e-mail: zv@spediteure-logistik.at
web: www.spediteure-logistik.at