Press releases

31 August 2006
EEA's response to CLECAT's complaint about EEA's statements pre-arrival notification
Please find below a link to an open letter from EEA Chairman Mr. Jaap Mulders to CLECAT in which he responds to CLECAT's complaint about the EEA's statements on pre-arrival notification EEA Open Letter
31 August 2006
CLECAT Responds to EEA letter on pre-arrival notification
Following CLECAT's open letter to the EEA complaing about the EEA stateements on pre-arrival notification CLECAT recieved an open letter from Mr. Jaap Mulders the EEA Chairman in response. CLECAT responded to Mr. Mulders with an open letter which can be accessed through clicking on the link below. CLECAT Open Letter
27 July 2006
CLECAT complains about European Express Association's statements on pre-arrival notification
Please find below a link to an open letter from CLECAT to the European Express Operators representative Mr. Keith Vaughan CLECAT open letter
14 July 2006
European Forwarders' Chronicle - Issue 2006/02
Content: - CLECAT's upcoming conferences:           Pan-European Customs Representative's Accreditation, October 5th 2006, Brussels           Freight Forwarders' Conference, November 30th 2006, Brussels - Midterm Review of the 2001 EU Transport White Paper - Communication on Freight Transport Logistics - CLECAT Participation in public events Chronicle 2006/02
11 April 2006
EU/US Investigation in Airline Fuel Surcharges
Surcharges must find a place to land!Press Release 2006/03
07 April 2006
Commission consultation on airport policy
Covert cartel concoction in air?Press Release 2006/02
27 March 2006
Commission's consultation on logistics & intermodality
"If you like honey, do not disturb the bees!": a reply to the European Commission's Consultation on "Logistics for Promoting Freight Intermodality"Press Release 2006/001
05 March 2006
European Forwarders' Chronicle - Issue 2006/01
Content: - Extension of the TEN-T to neighbouring countries and regions - Airfreight security - Transipment cargo - Consultation on "Logistics for promoting freight intermodality" - Modernisation of the Customs Code: CLECAT and the ubiquity dilemma - Latest events Chronicle 2006/01
08 December 2005
Customs representatives in the EU
Customers deserve professional service providers, on which they can rely in all circumstances. Today, CLECAT presented to the European Commission its recommendations on future accreditation of customs representatives.Common criteria for all Customs representatives in the EU