12 March 2021
Forwarders and shippers call for the unhindered movement of goods over the Alps
19 February 2021
New studies confirm Mobility Package 1 runs counter to the ambitions of the EU Green Deal
15 February 2021
CLECAT warns for the escalation of national entry restrictions
10 February 2021
Recovery and Resilience Facility: Transport keeps us going forward
Under the slogan “Transport for EU Recovery”, CLECAT, alongside 31 organisations, has issued a joint statement on the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility.
04 January 2021
Shippers and forwarders call on European Competition Authorities to act
10 December 2020
CLECAT welcomes new EC approach to sustainable, smart and future-proof transport in the EU
08 December 2020
CLECAT welcomes compromise on the Eurovignette Directive by EU Transport Council
27 November 2020
ESC and CLECAT urge carriers to switch to a ‘new normal’ as current practices slow economic recovery
13 August 2020
CLECAT Calls for Attention for Remaining Brexit Issues
09 July 2020
Final Agreement on the Reform Package for Road Freight Transport: Mobility Package I Must Now Be Put to the Test