Events |
11 September 2006
Conference on the European Accreditation of Customs Representatives
CLECAT held a conference in Brussels on the 5th of Ocbober 2006 on the "European Accreditation of Customs Representatives". This high level event featured an opening address from L?szl? Kov?cs Commmissioner for Taxation and Customs. There was also a presentation from the customs authority of a Member State and a panel discussion featuring prominent European associations. Please click on the link below to view the programme of the conference and the contributions made by the various speakers.
Press releases |
31 August 2006
EEA's response to CLECAT's complaint about EEA's statements pre-arrival notification
Please find below a link to an open letter from EEA Chairman Mr. Jaap Mulders to CLECAT in which he responds to CLECAT's complaint about the EEA's statements on pre-arrival notification
EEA Open Letter
Press releases |
31 August 2006
CLECAT Responds to EEA letter on pre-arrival notification
Following CLECAT's open letter to the EEA complaing about the EEA stateements on pre-arrival notification CLECAT recieved an open letter from Mr. Jaap Mulders the EEA Chairman in response. CLECAT responded to Mr. Mulders with an open letter which can be accessed through clicking on the link below.
CLECAT Open Letter
Press releases |
27 July 2006
CLECAT complains about European Express Association's statements on pre-arrival notification
Please find below a link to an open letter from CLECAT to the European Express Operators representative Mr. Keith Vaughan
CLECAT open letter
Press releases |
14 July 2006
European Forwarders' Chronicle - Issue 2006/02
- CLECAT's upcoming conferences:
Pan-European Customs Representative's Accreditation, October 5th 2006, Brussels
Freight Forwarders' Conference, November 30th 2006, Brussels
- Midterm Review of the 2001 EU Transport White Paper
- Communication on Freight Transport Logistics
- CLECAT Participation in public events
Chronicle 2006/02
Events |
12 June 2006
CLECAT Presentation at a conference organised by BIFA its British Member Organisation
CLECAT Director General Marco Leonardo Sorgetti attened a conference organised by BIFA in London on the 24th May 2006. Mr. Sorgetti gave a presentation on behalf of CLECAT entitled "European Union & your daily work: Working together in Europe"CLECAT Presentation
Events |
08 June 2006
FETEIA Conference Sevilla May 12th 2006
Presentation by CLECAT Director General Marco Leonardo Sorgetti entitled "The Freight Forwarder: Engine of Europe, European Union & Logistics experience"FETEIA Conference presentation
Events |
08 June 2006
Ukraine's International Freight Forwarder's Day, Odessa, 30-31 May 2006
Presentation by Policy Adviser Olivier Janin entitled "Ukraine & the TEN-T: Ukrainian logistics opportunities and pitfalls on track towards EU"Presentation Odessa
Events |
06 June 2006
CLECAT Presentation to Dubai's National Association of Freight & Logistics
CLECAT Director General Mr. Marco Leonardo Sorgetti attended on behalf of CLECAT a conference in Dubai organised by the National Association of Freight & Logistics of Dubai. Mr. Sorgetti gave a presentation entitled "Freight Forwarding an evolutionary profession: Tips from the European Union"CLECAT Presentation
Events |
26 April 2006
Consultation Workshop on Logistics, April 25th 2006
Statement by Mr. Sorgetti, Director-General of CLECAT, at the Consultation Workshop on "Logistics for promoting freight intermodality" that took place on April 25th 2006.Workshop Logistics - CLECAT Speech