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Events | 10 March 2017
LEARN International Workshop
Empowering business to reduce their carbon footprint through emissions accounting Tuesday 4 April 2017 (13:00-17:00) & Wednesday 5 April 2017 (9:30 – 17:00) Hosted by the European Commission | Place Madou 1, Brussels
Press releases | 09 March 2017
CONFIAD and CLECAT welcome the publication of CEN Standard of Customs Competency in support of professionalism and competency
CONFIAD, the Pan European Network of Customs Brokers and Customs Representatives and CLECAT, the European association of freight forwarders, transport and customs-related services have welcomed the official publication of the CEN Standard of Customs Competency for Customs Representatives.
Events | 09 March 2017
CLECAT/TLF/CORE Workshop | Data exchange in logistics: how to enable a joined-up approach for trade and government | 15 March 2017
CLECAT, TLF and CORE are organising a workshop entitled Data exchange in logistics: how to enable a joined-up approach for trade and government on the 15th March at the SITL in Paris. The event will gather key policy and business leaders for a lively discussion on possible solutions for standardisation and automation in data analysis through advanced data-sharing for the supply chain visibility.
News | 03 March 2017
LEARN Workshop: Empowering Business to Reduce CO2
CLECAT and other consortium partners of the LEARN project invite interested parties to join the LEARN International Workshop on 4 and 5 April 2017 in Brussels. The event brings together private sector, government and civil society stakeholders with an interest in reducing the carbon footprint of the global freight and logistics sector.
Press releases | 15 February 2017
CLECAT welcomes MEPs’ push for global action on shipping emissions
CLECAT, the European association of freight forwarders, transport and customs-related services, has welcomed today’s vote in the European Parliament to tackle emissions from maritime transport. The position adopted by the Parliament on reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) would include shipping emissions in the ETS from 2023 and create a “maritime climate fund” with a share of the proceeds, in the event that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has not adopted a comparable measure.
Press releases | 09 February 2017
CLECAT calls on Member States to recognise the role of International Road Freight Transport as the backbone of the EU economy
Those supporting the proposals of the European Ministers for a ’Road Alliance’, promoting a single road haulage market ensuring social rights and more efficient controls, should know that some of these proposals are counter-productive to the competitiveness of European transport and logistics and would frustrate ambitions to reduce carbon emissions through an efficient transport system. CLECAT calls on governments and policy makers to take a realistic and pragmatic approach at a time when Europe needs to refrain from further protectionism which will ultimately not bring benefits to the European economy and society at large.
News | 26 January 2017
CLECAT publishes views on the Low-Emission Mobility Strategy ahead of Parliament report
Following the publication in July 2016 of the European Commission’s Strategy on Low-Emission Mobility, the European Parliament is drafting an own-initiative report setting out MEPs’ views on the strategy. Ahead of the work in the Parliament’s TRAN and ENVI committees, CLECAT has prepared a briefing for MEPs on issues of importance to logistics, freight forwarding and customs services, which should be taken into account in the Parliament’s report. CLECAT is largely supportive of the Commission’s strategy of CO2 emissions from transport (land, sea and air transport). The Commission takes a realistic approach and CLECAT agrees with the analysis and the challenge: transport and logistics need to continue to provide good mobility and connectivity but with less emissions. CLECAT welcomes the fact that the Commission continues to work on a broad and wide range of relevant issues for reducing emissions.
Events | 28 November 2016
Freight Forwarders Forum 2016 - presentations
After the succesful conclusion of our annual Freight Forwarders' Forum, the CLECAT Secretariat has now uploaded the presentations that were given during the event.
Press releases | 15 November 2016
More EU transport budget for the benefit of Europe
30 European transport associations, representing infrastructure managers, operators, local authorities, users and equipment suppliers in the maritime, inland waterways, railways, road, cycling, aviation and intermodal sectors, call on the European Parliament and the Council to approve the initial Commission proposal for the review of the Multi-Annual Financial Framework. Nonetheless, the transport sector warns that this cannot be considered sufficient to complete the Trans-European Network for Transport (TEN-T). The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is the financial lifeline of the TEN-T network. From a CEF total budget of 31 billion euros (2.8% of the overall MFF), only EUR 2 billion are left to co-fund transport projects of high European added-value until 2020.
News | 16 September 2016
CLECAT calls for Simplication Cabotage Rules
CLECAT calls for EU initiatives to make the cabotage regulation easier to enforce and simplified. Creating a Single European Transport Market should remain the aim and therefore we call for a gradual, managed process where liberalisation and harmonisation of the rules are carried out together.