In the last selection of transport infrastructure projects funded by the EU, only 4 out of 107 projects are dedicated to the construction or improvement of Safe and Secure Truck Parking Areas (SSTPAs), amounting to over €12 million. This is a very disappointing result which must be resolved for the next calls for funding.
The result of this CEF call should be a wake-up call for the road transport and logistics community to ensure a better quality and maturity of SSTPA projects seeking CEF funding. It is important that the applicants improve massively their efforts, by starting to prepare their applications well in advance, preparing a solid feasibility study accompanying the application, providing a detailed and solid financial plan and ensure the obtention of building permits and authorisations.
Nevertheless, the European Commission and policymakers should also ensure all the enabling conditions to reach the milestone objective of building 100,000 safe and secure parking spots for trucks by 2030: projects applicants should be better accompanied by receiving feedback on previous and current applications, to ensure solid dossiers from start to finish. SSTPAs certified according to EU standards should also be recognised as strategic infrastructure to ensure priority funding in the next CEF calls. The upcoming SSTPA study which will be launched shortly by the Commission should also provide new information that will be key to improve driver’s security and working conditions, especially in a time where cargo theft crimes in the EU is constantly increasing.
Finally, the creation of a decent SSTPA network across the EU will also depend on the objectives set out in the TEN-T regulation, currently in negotiations between the Parliament and Council. It is therefore crucial that co-legislators agree on an ambitious text regrading SSTPA requirements, at least matching the Commission's proposal on building SSTPA every 100km along the TEN-T core network.