On 22 June, the European Commission announced the selection of 107 transport infrastructure projects to receive a total of over €6 billion in grants from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).
A significant portion of the funding will support projects that contribute to the development of the trans-European transport (TEN-T) network. These projects will enhance cross-border rail connections such as the Brenner Base tunnel linking Italy and Austria, Rail Baltica connecting the Baltic States and Poland. Moreover, funding will be allocated to maritime ports in various countries, such as Ireland, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and Poland to develop onshore power supply systems. These initiatives aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from moored vessels, contributing to the EU's sustainability goals. Equally inland waterway transport will be upgraded, making them more efficient and future-proof.
In an effort to enhance the safety and interoperability of rail transport, the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) will be installed on trains and railway lines in Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, France, Austria and Slovakia. This system will harmonise signalling and control systems across borders, ensuring a seamless rail network. Furthermore, intelligent transport systems and services (ITS) will be deployed in several Member States, promoting safer and more efficient road transport. European air traffic management projects will also receive support, aiming to increase efficiency and create a Single European Sky.
The grants awarded to these projects will co-finance their total costs, contributing to the EU's ambitious transport infrastructure goals. Since 2014, the CEF has supported nearly 1300 projects in the transport sector, with the next round of CEF Transport calls for proposals to be launched in September 2023.
Source: European Commission