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Press releases | 02 February 2009
Press Release: New website shows benefits of longier heavier vehicles
CLECAT and a group of industry representatives issue a joint press release on the creation of a new website that shows benefits of longer heavier vehicles CLECAT & industry representatives' press release
Press releases | 26 January 2009
Transport Achievement Award 2009
At the 2009 International Transport Forum held in Leipzig, Germany, the winner of the prize for “Innovation in Transport and Logistics along the Global Supply Chain” was awarded. The prize was commissioned jointly by CLECAT, FIATA and the ITF. The aim of the project was to recognise innovative logistics initiatives to meet the challenge of supplying efficient and sustainable logistics solutions across the global supply chain, particularly in the current economic context. The winner of the award was Baxter International Inc. The Belgian-based European distribution centre for Baxter International, a global healthcare company, launched an innovative initiative called Transportation of healthcare products by inland navigation in 2007. This initiative was designed to improve speed and reliability, lower transport costs and emissions, and improve overall efficiency of the Baxter distribution centre’s supply chain in the Benelux region.   Through this initiative, Baxter shifted all of its incoming containers from the deep-sea ports of Antwerp-Rotterdam and Zeebrugge away from trucks and onto inland navigation barges. With this container traffic now entirely on the inland waterways, Baxter has decreased its transport costs by 23 percent, while maintaining efficiency through increased reliability – a clear preference for consistently on-time deliveries over speed – virtually no congestion costs, and huge reductions in CO2 emissions.   Website:            Photo Marco Urban, OECD/ITF The award was presented by (Back row left to right)   Mr Binali Yildirim (President of the ITF, Minister of Transport, Turkey)   Mr Wolfgang Tiefensee (Minister of Transport, Germany)   Mr Etienne Schouppe (Secretary of State for Transport, Belgium)   Mr Jean-Claude Delen (Senior Vice-President of FIATA)   Mr Jack Short (Secretary General of ITF)   Mr Heiner Rogge (Secretary General of CLECAT)   Mr Ray La Hood (Secretary of Transportation, USA)   Mr Ron Widdows (CEO, Neptune Orient Lines)   And the award was accepted by Mr Menedeme and Mr Scollaerts on behalf of Baxter International Inc.   The jury also awarded a special mention to APL Logistics, a unit of Neptune Orient Lines Ltd, for the achievements obtained in their innovative service from the Far East to North America. The service was designed to create an ocean-based alternative to air freight for shippers from Asia to North America of less-than-container-load (or LCL) cargo. It offers a faster LCL service with day-definite delivery guarantee not offered before to shippers in this geographic zone.  
Press releases | 20 January 2009
Press Release: Study on the European Modular System
CLECAT, ESC, EuroCommerce, EEA & IRU issue a joint press release on the European Commission's publication of a study on the European Modular System CLECAT, ESC, EuroCommerce, EEA & IRU joint press release
Press releases | 02 December 2008
CLECAT speaks at the EP on the Eurovignette
CLECAT had the opportunity to speak at the European Parliament on the Eurovignette. CLECAT Speech by Mr Delen (President of CLECAT)
Events | 24 July 2008
CLECAT Freight Forwarders' Conference 2008
1958-2008 CLECAT Freight Forwarders’ Conference 50th Anniversary 3rd December 2008 Headquarters of the World Customs Organisation ( Brussels ) THEMES Infrastructure & externalities: old and new concerns for EU transport & logistics & EU paperless Customs: the latest step in the 40 years' path towards a Customs union
Press releases | 09 July 2008
Press release: Package on greening transport
CLECAT, ESC and IRU issue a joint press release on the European Commission's package of measures on greening transport. CLECAT, ESC & IRU joint press release
Events | 06 June 2008
AMRIE Conference, 5-6 June 2008
On 5 June 2008, CLECAT spoke at the AMRIE (Alliance of Maritime Regional Interests in Europe)  conference on the theme "Maritime Logistics: The Future for Transport and the Regions". See CLECAT speech: European Logistics Policy - the Maritime Dimension
Press releases | 23 May 2008
Press release: upcoming Eurovignette Directive
With the publication of the proposal for a revision of the Eurovignette Directive being imminent, CLECAT restates its key points on the issue of internalisation of external costs in transport. With great expectations come great responsibilities
Events | 20 May 2008
European Maritime Day
On 19th May, CLECAT participated in the first European Maritime Day stakeholder conference and gave a joint presentation together with other active members of the Maritime Industries Forum. MIF Presentation
Events | 18 February 2008
EIM Conference, 13 February 2008
On 13th February 2008, the European Rail Infrastructure Managers Organisation held its annual conference on the theme "En-route to rail sustainability". CLECAT was represented by its Secretary General Mr. Rogge, who presented CLECAT's views on the issue of internalisation of external costs. Internalisation of external costs (EIM Conference)