Press releases

07 May 2012
CLECAT calls for investments in Infrastructure for Growing and Driving the EU economy
Debating the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) instrument at an event hosted by MEP Filip De Backer last week, Mark Huybrechts, President of the European Freight Forwarders Organisation, CLECAT, said that this instrument published by the European Commission in October last year, represents a big leap forward in the transport policy field for many years. Together with the TEN-T guidelines they establish the framework for the building of one trans-European network, complementing national infrastructure policies and adding genuine European value to them.
23 November 2011
CLECAT Members elect new President and new Board
On November 16th, just one day ahead of the Freight Forwarders’ Conference held in the magnificent venue of the WCO headquarters, the CLECAT General Assembly elected a new Board, including a new President. A large number of delegates coming from all Member Countries elected the entire Board by acclamation.  Clive Broadley (left) and Marc Hubrechts (right) The new Board is formed by the following individuals: PRESIDENT   Marc Huybrechts BE SECRETARY GENERAL Francesco Parisi IT TREASURER  Frank Huster DE CHAIR OF AIR INSTITUTE  Klaus Pfab  FR VICE CHAIR OF AIR INSTITUTE       Andrew Melton  UK CHAIR CITI  Pierre Cornet  FR VICE CHAIR OF CITI Mario de Matos Oliveira  PT CHAIR OF MARITIME INSTITUTE Willem van der Schalk  DE VICE CHAIR OF MARITIME INST.       Robert Keen  UK CHAIR OF RAIL INSTITUTE  Ivan Petrov  BG VICE CHAIR OF RAIL INSTITUTE  Veronique Corduant  BE CHAIR ROAD INSTITUTE Mark Bromley  UK VICE CHAIR OF ROAD INSTITUTE Jeroen Eijsink NL CHAIR OF SECURITY INSTITUTE  Maurizio Fasce IT VICE CHAIR OF SECURITY INST.  Sören Kullberg  SE ELECTED, WITHOUT PORTFOLIO Frantisek Komora  SK ELECTED, WITHOUT PORTFOLIO Jerzy Wójtowicz  PL For more information, please see this Press Release.
13 September 2011
CLECAT's 11th Annual Freight Forwarders' Conference
The 11th edition of the Freight Forwarders’ Conference Thursday, 17th of November 2011   “FACILITATION and COMPLIANCE”   Logistics Service Providers facing compliance challenges and seeking facilitation   The FFC2010 material is far from being obsolete, but we are now facing the challenges of 2011. Last year we have seen that embracing the objective of reducing emissions, to eventually decarbonise EU transport and logistics, is now mainstream thinking of our companies’ management: it has even entered their commercial processes, despite the fact that our Members still regret the absence of a commonly agreed measurement system for CO2 emissions. The freight forwarding sector has learnt that there is great value in compliance, which is today the main building block of our companies’ reputations.  This is the reason why this year we have asked a number of distinguished professionals to explain how compliance can be more or less burdensome and how they managed to reap certain advantages by enhancing the compliance element of their processes. The idea was that trade facilitation is not an abstract concept, but it becomes realistic if it is triggered and justified by compliance.  Today’s logistics landscape is scattered with a number of constraints that make the flow of goods all the more difficult, exactly when our technology should make it simpler. We face both old and new challenges in our quest for compliance. Social legislation, corporate social responsibility and fiscal compliance rightfully require a continuous improvement in standards. Improvements in the protection of the environment are featured in the agendas of our management meetings, as they are perceived as a strong competitive element. Supply chain security is all-embracing and logistics without safety and security awareness seems today uncanny. Non-proliferation treaties are putting a strain on our business processes and, last but certainly not least, full compliance with competition rules is an idea that our sector has learnt how to fully embrace. In simple terms, making business choices in logistics today is more complex than it was a few decades ago. Making business choices is however at the very heart of entrepreneurship. The role of a representative federation such as CLECAT is to help its members to deal with the panoply of requirements, so that their member companies can also make well informed decisions in their business, whilst complying with existing legislation. With the FFC2011 the goal is to portray the picture of reputed logistics companies that have been able to achieve facilitation through their compliant records thereby extending the benefit to their customers.  Compliance also has another crucial aspect in today’s logistics business pertaining to the area of investments. Both public and private investments that are not mindful of present and future compliance run the risk of being wasted. This latter aspect of compliance is central in CLECAT’s activities and drives our work with the EU’s future legislative agenda. There are also other aspects of regulatory compliance that have emerged in our assessment as strong discussion items: is the enhanced compliance with the regulatory pressure just a burden for business or can it also stimulate innovation? Is voluntary best practice at odds with regulatory compliance, or is the former the best way to prepare the implementation of the latter? With this last tease in mind, we look forward to seeing you again at the conference.  We hope that the programme we have prepared will attract your attention and elicit your reactions. CLECAT Members are very thankful to the speakers and panellists that have confirmed their participation. The CLECAT Secretariat   View the Conference programme here Register for the Conference here Practical Information here
13 September 2011
Nicolette van der Jagt is CLECAT's new Director General
Nicolette van der Jagt has succeeded Marco Sorgetti as the Director General of CLECAT following Mr Sorgetti’s selection as the new Director General of FIATA in Zurich. The President and the Secretary General are pleased to have secured the appointment of Nicolette van der Jagt and that Nicolette will ensure a smooth transition and will continue and expand the achievements secured under Mr Sorgetti’s leadership. For more information, please see the attached Press Release.
16 June 2011
Press Release: CLECAT's comments on Transport White Paper
On the occasion of the ongoing Transport Council in Brussels, today CLECAT has published its comprehensive comments on the Commission’s Transport White Paper (COM/2011/0144). In this 19 page document CLECAT comments on the general principles of the White Paper, but also undertakes a detailed assessment of all the 40 actions that are relevant for CLECAT members. CLECAT Press Release CLECAT's comments on Transport White Paper
26 January 2011
Transport Achievement Award 2011: open for applications!
Recognising Mobility Solutions that Put People First Transport Achievement 2011 Award Call for Applications Showing how they are putting people first in transport is the challenge for applicants of the 2011 Transport Achievement Award, according to the Call for Application launched today. The Transport Achievement Award will recognise projects or initiatives that demonstrate excellence in identifying and efficiently meeting the transport needs of their clients. It aims to highlight the importance of taking seriously the transport needs of society, both in relation to personal mobility and to ensure ready access of goods within communities. The International Transport Forum at the OECD is offering this prestigious award jointly with the International Association for Public Transport (UITP), the European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services (CLECAT) and the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA). Applications for the Award are open to all modes of transport: operators, service providers, authorities, and suppliers and/or manufacturers, within International Transport Forum member and observer countries. It will be awarded in the presence of Transport Ministers from around the globe at the International Transport Forum’s annual summit to be held 25-27 May 2011 in Leipzig, Germany. Heiner Rogge, Secretary General of CLECAT and FIATA commented: “Societies rely heavily on the efficient deliveries in supporting the daily needs: food, clothing, entertainment all depends on the ‘invisible hand’ of efficient logistics, which is both a source of employment for many and a reliable support for their lifestyles. Freight services exist only if they put people first.” For more details or to apply for the Award, please go to . The closing date for applications is 21 March 2011. More information is available in CLECAT's 'Ongoing Projects ' section (on the left) and in the relevant Press Release.
26 January 2011
Transport Achievement Award
The Transport Achievement Award will recognise projects or initiatives that demonstrate excellence in identifying and efficiently meeting the transport needs of their clients. It aims to highlight the importance of taking seriously the transport needs of society, both in relation to personal mobility and to ensure ready access of goods within communities. The award is a Joint ITF/CLECAT/FIATA award. The award in 2011 was done in cooperation with UITP. For more information on the 2009 winner, please visit the relevant section on our website: Transport Achievement Award 2009 For more information on the 2011 competition, please see Transport Achievement Award 2011 Please contact the CLECAT Secretariat , if you need more information on any of the items.  
26 January 2011
Transport Achievement Award 2011
CLECAT has joined forces with FIATA, UITP and the International Transport Forum and is extremely pleased to invite candidates to submit their applications for the 2011 Transport Achievement Award from this point forward until the 21st of March 2011. The Award focuses on “putting people first” and the winner will be the applicant that will manage to use its high level expertise to demonstrate excellence in identifying and efficiently meeting the transport needs of its clients. The Award will be delivered on the occasion of the 2011 International Transport Forum, to be held in Leipzig 25th – 27th of May and which will explore the implications of transport for society and individuals, and how transport can continue to contribute to sustainable growth. The award is open to all modes of passenger and freight transport: Operators Service providers Authorities Suppliers and manufacturers       The application may describe either a product, service, or project. The initiative must have been in operation for a minimum of six months, to ensure attributes and benefits are realised and supported by evidence, but not longer than 5 years to ensure the recognition of continual development and innovation.   Applications may be submitted in either English or French.   Deadline for Applications: 21st of March 2011.   More information can be found in this brochure . Award applicants should send their completed application to  or to the International Transport Forum 2 rue André Pascal 75775 Paris Cedex 16 France
10 December 2010
Second edition of the Security Compliance Handbook and Sustainable Logistics Best Practice Guide
CLECAT is proud to announce the publication of the second edition of its Supply Chain Security Compliance Handbook and its Sustainable Logistics Best Practice Guide CLECAT Press Release
13 October 2010
Will the Council adopt a new tax on road freight that flies in the face of EU cohesion?
CLECAT issues a press release for the upcoming meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council CLECAT Press Release