14 March 2007
Detect and avoid possible barriers to trade please!
CLECAT raises concerns on some provisions contained in the modernised customs code. The proposal might entail legal controversy and ineffective insurance coverage.CLECAT Press Release
08 February 2007
Enhancing security means enhancing bureaucracy and burdens on trade?
The proposal before the US congress to introduce 100% screening on all containers destined for the US is not supported by CLECAT and we welcome the opposition to this proposal that has been voiced by Commissioner Laslo Kovacs.CLECAT Press Release
21 December 2006
TRAN mini hearing on Freight Transport Logistics
On December 19th 2006, CLECAT participated in a mini hearing on freight transport logistics, organised by the European Parliament's Transport Committee. Following the hearing CLECAT issued the following press release:CLECAT Press release
18 December 2006
European Forwarder' Chronicle - Issue 2006/03
Upcoming conference on the European accredidation of customs representatives
CLECAT Freight Forwarders' Day, 30th November 2006
Proposed repeal of regulation 4056/86: CLECAT position on ELAA revised proposal
CLECAT discussion paper on Commission's supply chain security proposal
European accreditation of customs representatives: Developments in the European Parliament
Chronicle 2006/03
18 December 2006
Europena Forwarder' Chronicle - Issue 2006/04
CLECAT freight forwarders' conference
European acceditation of customs representatives
CLECAT contributions in the field of logistics
Proposed repeal of regulation 4056/86: CLECAT position on European Commission's 'Issue Paper'
CLECAT board elects its Vice-Presdent
CLECAT participation in public events
Chronicle 2006/04
06 December 2006
CLECAT Freight Forwarders Day
CLECAT held its annual freight forwarders conference on the 30th of November at the Marriot Hotel in Brussels. Please click on the link below to access the press release issued by CLECAT following the conference.Press Release
17 November 2006
CLECAT Freight Forwarders Conference 30th November 2006 Brussels
CLECAT is holding its annual Freight Forwarders Conference on the 30th of November in Brussels. Please find below a press release on the conference and the final programmeCLECAT Press ReleaseConference Programme
31 August 2006
EEA's response to CLECAT's complaint about EEA's statements pre-arrival notification
Please find below a link to an open letter from EEA Chairman Mr. Jaap Mulders to CLECAT in which he responds to CLECAT's complaint about the EEA's statements on pre-arrival notification
EEA Open Letter
31 August 2006
CLECAT Responds to EEA letter on pre-arrival notification
Following CLECAT's open letter to the EEA complaing about the EEA stateements on pre-arrival notification CLECAT recieved an open letter from Mr. Jaap Mulders the EEA Chairman in response. CLECAT responded to Mr. Mulders with an open letter which can be accessed through clicking on the link below.
CLECAT Open Letter
27 July 2006
CLECAT complains about European Express Association's statements on pre-arrival notification
Please find below a link to an open letter from CLECAT to the European Express Operators representative Mr. Keith Vaughan
CLECAT open letter