10 November 2023


On 9 November, the European Parliament in Plenary session adopted its report to revamp EU rules for motor vehicle type-approval and market surveillance, known as Euro 7. The new regulation will update current limits for exhaust emissions (such as nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and ammonia), and will introduce new measures to reduce emissions from tyres and brakes, and increase battery durability.

MEPs broadly retained levels proposed by the Commission for pollutant emissions for passenger cars while setting stricter limit values on exhaust emissions measured in laboratory settings, and in real driving conditions for buses and heavy-duty vehicles. MEPs also proposed to align the EU’s method for calculating tyre and brake emissions and abrasion limits with those being developed at UNECE level.

The Parliament will now enter in trilogues negotiations with the Commission and the Council, which adopted its general approach at the end of September.

Source: European Parliament