30 June 2023


CLECAT’s Sustainable Logistics Institute met on the 22nd of June to exchange views on the latest developments regarding sustainability policies affecting transport and logistics at national and EU level. Members discussed the revision of the CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles, the development of corporate sustainability reporting standards, and the future EU framework for calculating and reporting transport and logistics emissions. Ms Catherine Löfquist (Bring), nominated by SIFA, was elected chair of the CLECAT Sustainability Institute.

A first exchange took place on the publication by the Commission of the draft delegated act setting out the first set of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), in accordance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Based on exchanges with members, the CLECAT Secretariat is currently preparing feedback to the Commission, before the adoption of the delegated act which is expected to be adopted shortly after summer.

Members welcomed the adoption of the ISO 14083 standard on the calculation and reporting of GHG emission from transport and logistics which was published in March. CLECAT considers it crucial that that the upcoming ‘CountEmissions EU’ initiative, expected in July as part of the Greening Transport Package, setting a harmonised EU framework for calculating and reporting emission of transport emissions is based on this international methodology. Members were also updated on the work of the Smart Freight Centre with the GLEC Framework to disseminate the methodology and ensure proper implementation of the standard in the transport community.

Finally, members took note of the publication of the CLECAT policy response to the Commission proposal on the revision of the CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles. Members in collaboration with the Secretariat have now started disseminating the position towards policy makers and other stakeholders.