On 17 July, the European Commission selected 134 transport projects to receive over €7 billion in EU grants from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU's instrument for strategic investment in infrastructure. This represents the largest call under the current CEF Transport programme.
Around 83% of the funding will support projects that deliver on the EU’s climate objectives, improving and modernising the EU network of railways, inland waterways and maritime routes along the trans-European transport (TEN-T) network.
Rail projects will receive 80% of the overall envelope, including funding to improve cross-border rail connections along the TEN-T core network in the Baltic Member States (Rail Baltica), between France and Italy (Lyon-Turin), and between Denmark and Germany (Fehmarnbelt tunnel). For maritime transport around twenty maritime ports will receive support for infrastructure upgrades, which will enable them to supply shore-side electricity to ships.
Several projects will enable greater capacity along the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes, set up to facilitate imports and exports between Ukraine and the EU.
11 projects representing a total of around €78 million have been selected to create and/or upgrade Safe and Secure Truck Parking Areas (SSTPA), a much better result compared to the previous CEF call when only 4 projects were awarded €12 million. CLECAT welcomes this improvement but recalls that much needs to be done to reach the milestone objective of building 100,000 safe and secure parking spots for trucks by 2030 and achieve the targets set out in the recently published TEN-T Regulation.
Source: European