08 June 2006
FETEIA Conference Sevilla May 12th 2006
Presentation by CLECAT Director General Marco Leonardo Sorgetti entitled "The Freight Forwarder: Engine of Europe, European Union & Logistics experience"FETEIA Conference presentation
06 June 2006
CLECAT Presentation to Dubai's National Association of Freight & Logistics
CLECAT Director General Mr. Marco Leonardo Sorgetti attended on behalf of CLECAT a conference in Dubai organised by the National Association of Freight & Logistics of Dubai. Mr. Sorgetti gave a presentation entitled "Freight Forwarding an evolutionary profession: Tips from the European Union"CLECAT Presentation
26 April 2006
Consultation Workshop on Logistics, April 25th 2006
Statement by Mr. Sorgetti, Director-General of CLECAT, at the Consultation Workshop on "Logistics for promoting freight intermodality" that took place on April 25th 2006.Workshop Logistics - CLECAT Speech
30 March 2006
Inland Navigation Summit, 14-15 February 2006, Vienna
Statement by Mr. Sorgetti, Director-General of CLECAT, at the Inland Navigation Summit that took place in Vienna on February 14th-15th 2006.CLECAT Statement on Inland Navigation