06 June 2007
ESPO Conference, 31 May - 1 June, Algeciras
CLECAT attended the annual conference of ESPO (European Sea Ports Organisation) which coincided with the closure of the Commission's consultation on a future EU seaport policy. The conference included 3 consultation sessions to wich CLECAT contributed:
- Sustainable develoment of seaports and hinterland connections
- Strengthening the performance of seaports as intermodal nodal points
- Ensuring transparency and fair competition in and between seaports
CLECAT statements
24 April 2007
Logistics and Port Policy
CLECAT Director General Mr. Marco Leonardo Sorgetti attended the 5th Commission workshop on future EU port policy on the 19th and 20th of April in Naples. Mr. Sorgetti gave a presentation at the workshop entitled "Logistics and Port Policy". CLECAT Presentation
08 February 2007
CLECAT statement at EC workshop on intermodal loading units
CLECAT statement at the European Commission's workshop on the progression of the intermodal loading unit concept, held on February 7th 2007 in Brussels.CLECAT Statement ILU
19 December 2006
CLECAT address to European Parliament hearing on Freight Transport Logistics
CLECAT Director General Marco Leonardo Sorgetti today addressed the European Parliament Transport Committee's hearing on the European Commission Communication on Freight Transport Logistics. Please find below a link to the speech given by Mr. Sorgetti:CLECAT Speech
07 December 2006
Mobility in the EU: what place for rail?
CLECAT address at the European Commission's stakeholders' conference on:"Mobility in the European Union: what place for rail?"CLECAT address
16 October 2006
CLECAT Presentation at Courier & Parcel Despatch Expo
CLECAT Director General Marco Leonardo Sorgetti attended an Expo on Courier and Parcel Despatch in Amsterdam on the 10th of October 2006. Mr. Sorgetti gave a presentation on behalf of CLECAT entitled "Security Issues in Express Deliveries". Please find below a link to this presentation.CLECAT presentation on security issues in express deliveriesIn addition to his presentation Mr. Sorgetti also used a breakdown of the proposed requirements for operators taking part in 'Secure Operator' scheme, which the European Commission has proposed. Breakdown of requirements for operators in the proposed 'Secure Operator' schemeMr Sorgett also made reference in his presentation to an article on electronic port clearance. This article can be viewed through clicking on the lick below.Article on electronic port clearance
11 September 2006
Conference on the European Accreditation of Customs Representatives
CLECAT held a conference in Brussels on the 5th of Ocbober 2006 on the "European Accreditation of Customs Representatives". This high level event featured an opening address from L?szl? Kov?cs Commmissioner for Taxation and Customs. There was also a presentation from the customs authority of a Member State and a panel discussion featuring prominent European associations. Please click on the link below to view the programme of the conference and the contributions made by the various speakers.
11 September 2006
Freight Forwarders' Conference 2006
Freight Forwarders’ ConferenceThursday 30 November 2006Brussels Marriott HotelOver 120 delegates attended CLECAT Freight Forwarders' Conference in order to listen to and participate in discussions on the theme:Logistics & facilitation: tools for EU trade competitiveness
12 June 2006
CLECAT Presentation at a conference organised by BIFA its British Member Organisation
CLECAT Director General Marco Leonardo Sorgetti attened a conference organised by BIFA in London on the 24th May 2006. Mr. Sorgetti gave a presentation on behalf of CLECAT entitled "European Union & your daily work: Working together in Europe"CLECAT Presentation
08 June 2006
Ukraine's International Freight Forwarder's Day, Odessa, 30-31 May 2006
Presentation by Policy Adviser Olivier Janin entitled "Ukraine & the TEN-T: Ukrainian logistics opportunities and pitfalls on track towards EU"Presentation Odessa