Green Lanes and Air Cargo Guidelines Important for Smooth Transport of Goods throughout the Transition into a Post COVID-19 Environment
The undersigned associations welcome last week’s Joint European Commission and European Council Roadmap towards lifting COVID-19 containment measures. The successful easing of lockdown restrictions will require coordination and advance communication to all affected sectors. The synchronisation of measures will be vitally important to ensure a continued smooth transport of goods and avoid a patchwork of varying operational restrictions across the EU in the coming months.
We would therefore like to stress the importance of increased regional cooperation and the continued application of the COVID-19 measures in support of road freight and air cargo operations throughout the transition into a post COVID-19 environment. Only under such an orderly transition can the transport and logistics industry fully play its role in supporting industries and sectors as they resume their economic activity.
Concretely, regarding road freight, we require the continued application of EU Green Lanes, a continued lift on driving bans, and an upholding of the current flexibility on driving and resting times – especially when private vehicle traffic is no longer restricted.
For air cargo, we require the continued application of the Commission guidelines. This is especially true for the flexibility provisions for slot restrictions, as well as the facilitation of using passenger aircraft for cargo-only operations, even as passenger flights gradually resume operations. We equally require continued facilitation of air crew repositioning and accommodation, the continued waiver of night curfews and the extension of relevant authorisations and permits to cover the entire transition period.