CLECAT welcomes informal Deal on Eurovignette
CLECAT welcomes the provisional agreement reached yesterday between the European Parliament and the Council on road charging rules in support of the transition from time-based to distance-based charging, reducing CO2 emissions.
Nicolette van der Jagt, Director General of CLECAT said: 'the move towards distance-based charging across the core TEN-T network from 2029 for heavy-duty vehicles is a much-welcomed result for freight forwarders. The phasing-out of the vignette for heavy vehicles will standardise a system that is currently excessively fragmented among European Member States.'
She continued: 'This will also speed up the transition to zero-emissions freight. Varying truck tolls according to CO2 and air pollutants emissions has been discussed across Europe for four years, so a deal is very welcomed. It will deliver incentives and investment certainty, support the decarbonisation of road freight, and help the EU and its Member States meet their climate commitments. From 2023, emissions-free trucks will get at least 50% discounts on road tolls while fossil-fuelled trucks will be charged based on their CO2 emissions and air pollution, with more efficient heavy-goods vehicles paying less.’
With regards to the earmarking of road charging revenues, CLECAT regrets the agreement is not more ambitious. The situation remains that as a minimum, Member States should earmark revenues generated by infrastructure and external cost charges for projects in the transport sector, in particular in support of the trans-European transport network.
The informal deal on Eurovignette rules still needs to be endorsed by the Council’s Committee of Permanent Representatives and Parliament’s Transport and Tourism committee, and then formally adopted by the Council and Parliament. CLECAT calls for a speedy adoption of the revised Eurovignette Directive. This will allow policymakers and industry to focus on the 'Fit for 55’ package which will be published by mid-July.
For more information:
CLECAT (European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services)
Ms Nicolette van der Jagt
Director General