CLECAT, ECSA and ECASBA keen to see the port regulation adopted soon
On 30 September 2013 a first discussion will take place in the Transport Committee of the European Parliament on the proposal from the European Commission for a Regulation establishing a framework on market access to port services and financial transparency of ports.
Users of port services welcome this proposal and hope for a swift adoption. Ship agents (ECASBA), freight forwarders (CLECAT) and shipowners (ECSA) find it very positive that – at last - a legal basis will be in place with regard to market access and transparency in ports.
Users however regret the difference in treatment of port services, more precisely the exclusion of port labour, cargo-handling and passenger services from the application of the freedom to provide services. Whilst users understand the political reasons for this decision, they underline that these essential services should not be excluded. By not including cargo-handling and passenger services, there is no legal basis at all to address existing restrictive and anti-competitive practices as the freedom to provide services does not apply directly and secondary legislation is needed. It moreover entails the risk of a 'cascade' effect; other services may also request being excluded from the proposal.
The signatories would like to see a swift adoption of the proposal in the European Parliament and the Council, without the clause which excludes cargo-handling and passenger services. The proposal will provide for the means to address existing inefficiencies in ports with due respect for the existing diversity among EU ports. Any further delay would handicap the sustainable development of the EU transport system as a whole and impact negatively on economic growth prospects.
Please see the full Press Release for more details.