Next month the US Congress will be debating shipping issues too. Two members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee have drafted a bipartisan bill that could see the US Shipping Act amended when it comes up for voting in August.
The new bill, created on the back of a wave of anger among US agricultural exporters, will ban carriers from declining all cargo bookings for exports. It will also require liners include a statement of compliance with Shipping Act regulations. The FMC will also be required to post publicly all findings of false certifications by ocean carriers, as well as giving the FMC greater strength to ensure US exporters are not shunned by carriers.
The difference in fronthaul and backhaul cargoes on the record-breaking transpacific is now more than $10,000 per feu, making liners keen to get boxes repositioned fast to make the most of today’s extraordinary freight rate environment.
Other nations, including China, Vietnam and South Korea, have also looked into tackling high shipping costs over the past year.
Source: Splash