Members of CLECAT’s road transport logistics institute will debate at its upcoming meeting on 9 September the European Commission proposal for an ETS system for road transport. CLECAT welcomes the intentions of the European Commission to amend the “EU-ETS” Directive to create a new EU-ETS for road transport, adjacent to the existing system, which will put a price on emissions from the building and the road transport sectors. CLECAT maintains that a proper integration with already existing schemes at national level, such as in Germany, is important to avoid double charging of CO2 emissions.
The ETS for road transport should ensure that revenues from the auctioning of allowances is ringfenced and reinvested towards the road freight transport sector, to allow for the uptake of investments into low and zero-emission road freight transport technologies. Without securing the funding for these much-needed investments, and clear and explicit targets, there is a risk of insufficient funding in support of zero emission trucking.