CLECAT participated at the final FENIX event on 8 February in Brussels. The FENIX event demonstrated the project’s results and achievements. FENIX is a project that was conceived as a result of the European Commission’s (EC’s) Digital Transport and Logistic Forum (DTLF) recommendations. The EC was aiming to create a viable and valid federative network of platforms as an enabler for Business to Administration (B2A) and Business to Business (B2B) data exchange and sharing by transport and logistics operators. FENIX’s mission was to close the gap created by the fragmentation in application of ICT-based transport solutions and the lack of interoperable digital tools. As such it contributes directly to: 1) the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) goals through interoperability and standardisation of data sharing tools; and 2) responding to the constraints of the current global supply chains through enhanced and standardised data sharing instruments.
The FENIX consortium has been conducting research on data sharing in the logistics sector, aimed at facilitating supply chain operations in different scenarios and environments. The work centred on the key objectives towards digitalisation and standardisation of data exchange platforms with the goal to support the transition to seamless data sharing. The features developed were tested in eleven pilot sites, which are integrated in nine European TEN-T corridors. The results obtained will help the European logistics community to enhance the use of digital solutions at the disposal of logistics actors in various scenarios, thus improving the whole supply chain’s functioning.
Presentations were given by Szymon Oscislowski, Deputy Head of Unit of DG MOVE Unit D1, representatives from the Italian and Greek Transport Ministries and the Officer for Europe from the United Nations Economic Commission. The event allowed participants to witness a demonstration of the operational feasibility and benefits of interoperability that FENIX has explored over the past months.
The event also launched FENIX2.0 which will expand the international outreach of the project through the use cases and standards developed in FENIX