05 November 2021


Over the last years, cargo crime has been continuously increasing, putting drivers at risk and exposing companies to losses. Truck drivers in Europe are often confronted with insufficient parking capacity or inadequate facilities, as well as a lack of information on such facilities. As a result of this, they often have no other option than to park in non-secured zones or unsafe locations.

The lack of secure parking areas, which was identified in the 2019 Study on Safe and Secure Parking areas (SSTPAs), and the use of soft-sided trailers influence cargo theft trends in Europe, with thieves targeting these vehicles parked in unsecured locations.

The European Commission recognised the urgent need to move forward with the construction of new Safe and Secure Truck Parking Areas and has been working on a Delegated Act introducing the EU SSTPA Standard into EU legislation, together with the industry. Over the last two years, CLECAT has been an active member of the SSTPA Expert Group and strongly supports the EU SSTPA standard, to which it has contributed significantly during the drafting process.

The Commission and the Expert Group have been working on the finalisation of the Delegated Act on SSTPAs, which is expected to be adopted in December. CLECAT fully supports the standard and welcomes that its recommendations related to the minimum level of service and the different levels of security, as well as the auditing framework, provided in multiple position papers as well as during the Expert Group meetings, have been fully reflected in the standard. This includes, inter alia, specifications relating to CCTV, the frequency of system checks, the risk assessment and security plan, as well as access and egress controls.

CLECAT strongly believes that a harmonised EU Standard, containing clear and unambiguous rules on security, safety and comfort levels, will be key to successfully address the current shortcomings and will be the best way forward for Europe, to improve driver’s security and working conditions. The EU SSTPA standard will enhance transparency, build trust and facilitate private sector investments for SSTPAs, as they will be eligible to CEF funding, provided they fulfil the EU SSTPA Standards.