CLECAT calls for Simplication Cabotage Rules
With several European Union Member States interpreting the road haulage cabotage rules in dfferent ways, European freight forwarders believe it is timely for the European Commission to come forward with proposals to make the European road transport sector perform better – in the interest of better operational efficiencies from the haulage sector - within the context of a Single European market.
CLECAT calls for EU initiatives to make the cabotage regulation easier to enforce and simplified. Creating a Single European Transport Market should remain the aim and therefore we call for a gradual, managed process where liberalisation and harmonisation of the rules are carried out together.
CLECAT submitted this week its position on access to the Market in road freight transport in response to the public consultation on the review of Regulation (EC) No 1072/2009).
The CLECAT Position Paper is available below.