CLECAT Brenner Pass Roundtable - Event Summary
On 21 April, CLECAT organised a roundtable webinar entitled "Solutions for freight transport at the Brenner Pass - a (n)ever ending story?". The event gathered around 70 policymakers and industry representatives and heard experts' views on short-, medium- and long-term solutions for European freight forwarders and logistics service providers for cross-Alpine transport.
Due to the restrictions to heavy goods transport by road over the Brenner Pass, which is constantly being made stricter by the local authorities in Tyrol, the free movement of goods from Italy to the North of Europe is being put at risk. CLECAT has called for attention for these problems and more awareness on the lack of sufficient rail freight alternatives. While freight forwarders appreciate that the Austrian government needs to address the air quality concerns in the region, they are confronted with a lack of alternatives, as there is a lack of capacity in rail freight, electricity and sustainable alternative fuels, as well as the respective charging and refueling infrastructure, which is not widely accessible for HGVs along the Brenner.
Below you will find the event's summary and presentation for download.