On 10 October, the European Logistics Platform (ELP) organises an event on the EU CountEmissionsEU initiative which is part of the Commission’s Greening Freight Package. The event entitled ‘CountEmissionsEU: Why transport needs more transparency in GHG reporting?’ will be hosted by MEP Caroline Nagtegaal (Renew, the Netherlands).
Many companies are seeking to assume greater responsibility for the environmental sustainability of their supply chains. Engaging with different sub-contractors in the chain is important as they are responsible for the large part of direct emissions. The development of a single EU framework for monitoring and calculating GHG emissions data of transport operations/services - as proposed by the EC in its Greening Freight Transport Package (i.e. CountEmissionsEU) – can support business in their endeavours. The ELP event will demonstrate why there is a need for more transparency and comparability in GHG emission measuring.
Confirmed speakers include Szymon Oscislowski, Deputy Head of Unit at DG MOVE (European Commission), Noelle Fröhlich, Senior Expert Clean Operations at DHL Group, Rolf Willkrans, Director of Environmental Affairs at Volvo Group, Andreea Serbu, Senior Manager External Affairs at ECG.
Registration is open here.