06 December 2024


On 4 December, the TRAN and ENVI Committees voted to formally enter into interinstitutional negotiations on the CountEmissions EU proposal. The two new Rapporteurs, MEPs Antonio Decaro (S&D, Italy) and Norbert Lins (EPP, Germany) will lead the negotiations with the Council and Commission.

The Parliament had adopted its position in April 2024, following the Council’s agreement on its general approach in December 2023. CLECAT welcomes the timely opening of the trilogues, as this initiative is considered essential for enabling transport operators to accurately calculate, monitor and compare their emissions, facilitating behavioural change. CLECAT appreciates many of the amendments in both positions as they would clarify certain provisions and ensure a smooth implementation of the Regulation. However, concerns remain on other measures that have been proposed, including on the mandatory use of primary data or on the development of a methodology for the full life cycle of GHG emissions. These measures do not currently reflect widely agreed practices of the transport and logistics sector.

The trilogues negotiations are expected to start early 2025, under the Polish Presidency of the Council.

Source: European Parliament