On 12 March, the European Parliament in Plenary session adopted its first reading position on the revision of the Weights & Dimensions Directive. MEPs adopted all the amendments which have been approved by the TRAN committee in February.
The Parliament approved the Commission proposition to increase the maximum allowed weight of zero-emission trucks by up to 4 tonnes, to compensate the space and weight needed to fit battery or hydrogen cells. MEPs also approved cross-border operations of EMS vehicles between Member States allowing their circulation at national level. However, for new EMS routes, EU countries would need to make a prior assessment on the impact of this on road safety, infrastructure, modal cooperation and the environment. In addition, MEPs also confirmed the introduction of a new Article 4b in the Directive, allowing cross-border movements of 44-tonne trucks, until 2035 for diesel-powered vehicles. Finally, the Parliament clarified the wording of the Directive to ensure that cross-border operation with heavier/longer/higher vehicles between consenting Member States would still be permitted.
CLECAT welcomes the Parliament’s vote for pragmatic and proven solutions that will help improve the efficiency of road freight transport at a time of acute driver shortage and the need to quickly reduce emissions from road transport. We are of course also pleased that the Parliament has rejected amendments which would remove the provisions related to EMS and Article 4b. However, we consider that some provisions adopted today – including the prior assessment for new EMS routes and the 2035 sunset clause for 44-tonne fossil fuel truck – create unnecessary barriers to the deployment of EMS combinations.
Trilogues negotiations will therefore start after the European elections in June. The Council still needs to adopt its general approach, probably in June during the Transport Council meeting. CLECAT calls on Member States to adopt a position which would maintain the main elements of the Commission proposal, as stated in our position paper and subsequent voting recommendations.
Source: European Parliament