On 26 April, the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee met to exchange views with the Commission on the proposal strengthening the CO2 standards for new heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs).
During the meeting, several members, including the rapporteur Yannick Jadot (Greens/EFA, France) argued that the Commission's target of a 90% reduction in emissions by 2040 is not ambitious enough and should be amended to achieve 100% reduction already by 2035. On the contrary, members from the centre-right and right groups argued that this target was too ambitious. Additionally, these MEPs also called for more technological neutrality and urged for a more rational approach that considers the socioeconomic impact of the transition to low-carbon fuels.
The German shadow-rapporteur from the EPP group, Jens Gieseke also called for a technological neutral approach and argued that e-fuels should be included for compliance in the Regulation. Peter Liese, also a German MEP from the EPP group supported the 90% target as a good balance between the need to decarbonise road freight transport and the possibility to retain internal combustion engines for very specific use cases.
Mr Jadot is scheduled to present its draft report to the ENVI meeting on 26-27 June, while other MEPS will be ablet o table amendments until 4 July. The adoption of the ENVI report is expected around mid-October.