03 November 2023


On 24 October, the European Parliament’s Environment (ENVI) adopted its report on the revision of the CO2 standards for new-heavy-duty vehicles. MEPs mostly retained the elements of the Commission proposal while slightly increasing the CO2 performance targets for new trucks.

 Similar to the Council which adopted its general approach mid-October, the ENVI Committee agreed to include in the scope of the Regulation all new-heavy-duty vehicles. For Extra-Heavy Combinations (EHC, over 60 tonnes), MEPs proposed the same amendment than Member States by creating a new vehicle sub-group in order to take better account of their characteristics, including with regard to their energy efficiency. MEPs also amended the “zero-emission vehicle” definition by further lowering the proposed threshold, which still covers hydrogen-fuelled vehicles.

 MEPs chose to slightly increase the 2035 CO2 emissions performance targets to -70%, compared to -65% in the Commission proposal. Other targets (-45% from 2030 and -90% from 2040) remain unchanged. Other proposed measures include:

  • Setting up an annual “Zero-Emission HDVs Forum” to work on the effective and cost-efficient roll-out of recharging and refuelling infrastructure;
  • By end of 2026, the Commission should assess the possibility of developing a methodology for reporting full lifecycle CO2 emissions for new HDVs.

MEPs are scheduled to adopt the report in Plenary session between 20 and 23 November, before starting negotiations with the Council.

 Source: European Parliament