21 October 2022


On 18 October, the European Commission adopted its 2023 Commission work programme  setting out targeted actions to complete delivery on the ambitions set by the Commission at the start of the mandate, including achieving climate neutrality by 2050, shaping the digital future, and making Europe stronger in the world.

The Commission's work programme contains 43 new policy initiatives, 8 REFIT initiatives, and 116 priority pending proposals. In the area of transport, the ‘Greening Freight Package’ includes new policy initiatives such as increasing the share of rail freight traffic, the revision of the Weights and Dimensions Directive, as well as the revision of the Combined Transport Directive. Moreover, the creation of a common European Mobility Data Space and the revision of the EU Slots Regulation will be prioritised. Priority pending proposals include, inter alia, the files from the Fit for 55 Package, as well as the TEN-T Guidelines.

A full list of all initiatives can be found here.