CLECAT was present this week at the SITL Transport and Logistics Innovation Week in Paris, a major event that brings together professionals from the transport and logistics industry.
Speaking in a roundtable on carbon footprinting in the supply chain to discuss the current and upcoming regulatory initiatives, Quentin Donnadille, Policy Advisor at CLECAT, welcomed the recent publication of the ISO 14083 standard on the quantification and reporting of GHG emissions arising from transport chain operations. Mr Donnadille stressed the need for a harmonised and wide implementation of the methodology within the transport and logistics industry. This is why the upcoming CountEmissions EU initiative, which will provide a harmonised European framework for GHG emissions calculating and reporting of transport operations will be very important to increase the uptake of reporting and should be in line with the ISO standard.
The panel which included speakers from ADEME, Geodis and France Boissons also exchanged on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the ongoing development of the related European Sustainability Reporting Standards. They highlighted the need for companies to be informed and prepared, as many customers and shippers will require information from their subcontractors, namely transport operators. Finally, the panellists discussed the different EU initiatives to reduce GHG emissions from transport, namely the Fit for 55 Package, the CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles and the upcoming Greening Freight Package. Mr Donnadille called on EU legislators to discuss and adopt the different legislations with a “package approach”, in order to create a functional ecosystem and robust business cases which allow freight forwarders and logistics operators to decarbonise their activities.